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Yusuf was many things to many people. An Artist, Poet, Writer, Author, Trainer, Dad, Adopter and Foster carer,  who spent the first 18 years of his life in the harsh environs of children’s institutions.


Here he was taught the lessons of shame, rejection, fear, silence & retribution...Remarkably not only did he survive, he thrived.


As a storyteller he used his art and poetry to voice and explore the emotions he was unable to voice as a child. "It’s been painful, but honest, reflecting a world that is talked about, just not fully understood & where those that grow up in it know that something isn’t right, yet often remain unheard & unable to do anything about it"


Yusuf used his combined experiences as an artist and a child of the state, to inform and share with those who genuinely want to improve and sustain better outcomes for those who never chose their start in life.

Yusuf stressed it's not about making a difference, it's about being the difference which is much more personal, less aspirational and probably more doable.


In memory of Yusuf Paul McCormack do what you can to #BeTheDifference!


In Loving Memory...

Yusuf Paul McCormack


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