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Who is Saira-Jayne Jones?


Saira-Jayne is an Artist, Poet, Qualified Social Worker, Consultant, Training Facilitator, Sessional Tutor and Lived Experienced Practitioner, originally from Chelmsley Wood in Birmingham and now living in Coventry.


Through her work with Artifacts CEP Saira-Jayne takes a unique, creative approach to sharing insights and learning from lived and practice experiences, to support and strengthen continual practice development and improvement.


Saira-Jayne works with and alongside a wide range of practitioners, and providers of Social Work, Social Care, Health Care and Education services throughout England.


Her work includes facilitating learning & development opportunities, developing and delivering bespoke workshops & training sessions, hosting reflective conversations, leading seminar discussions, keynote presentations at conferences & events, and involvement in various projects including The West Midlands Social Work Teaching Partnership People with Lived Experience Advisory Group, Your Life Your Story, The Perspective Project and TLC Project.


Through Artifacts CEP Saira-Jayne works across statutory, private and third sector organisations with both the services and practitioners that work within them, and also with individuals of all ages who are engaging with and have experience of those services.


These organisations have included local authority adult's and children & families social care departments, virtual schools, further and higher education institutions, teaching partnerships, residential care and supported accommodation services, charities and companies with community interest. 


In addition to this Saira-Jayne engages in direct work with people of all ages who are care experienced or have experienced adversity, she regularly contributes to research and creative projects, and has co-written The West Midlands Social Work Teaching Partnership 'Strengthening Social Work Together' co-production charter Participation | West Midlands Social Work Teaching Partnership (


Her artwork and poetry have been included in exhibition events for BASW and World Social Work Day, in resources for social work education and continuing professional development Social Work Postcards: Wish you were here? - Image of the Week - Kirwin Maclean ( , INSIDERS OUTSIDERS: HIDDEN NARRATIVES OF CARE EXPERIENCED SOCIAL WORKERS - Publications - Kirwin Maclean (, and her pieces are studied and used for stimulus response by fine art students from as far as Vietnam and Australia.


As an exhibiting artist, Saira-Jayne uses her artwork and poetry to engage audiences and stimulate further exploration and discussions around childhood adversity, lived experience, diversity and inclusion. The pieces she creates are heavily influenced by her identity as a female, disabled, lesbian, care experienced adult who grew up in poverty on council estates experiencing chaotic and abusive environments, and by her journey through education and into the world of social work; including her passion for human rights, social justice and equality.


Creating poetry and visual art provides Saira-Jayne with the platform and opportunity to amplify her inner voice, to share the unspoken, provoke thought, facilitate analysis, reflection and develop others understanding through her narrative. In sharing her experiences she offers insight, supporting individuals to explore their own experiences, discover and unleash their creativity and develop a greater depth of understanding for those who genuinely care and want to be the difference with those they engage with and work alongside.


If you would like to find out more about working with Saira-Jayne in person or virtually, arranging an exhibition, artwork commission or purchase please get in touch via the contact form.



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